Alternative Acoustic Indie Rock from Graz / Austria
They call themselves "indie" because of their varying combination of influences,
from countryesque melodies, french-style, cheerfully played hook lines,
and deeply touching lyrics. Elements from country-music,
chanson, folk, singer-songwriter, rock and pop can be found.
A strong rhythm on which the other instruments and voice are based on. Unique stories are told by Tom Reiterer (Ex-Lamexcuse), lyrics very often flavored with a prise of melancholy, and sometimes even with a twinkle in his eye. Those ingredients add up to thrilling songs and ballads, that immediately stimulate both, ears and hearts. Catchy melodies seducing one to hum along, are worth careful listening.
Tom Reiterer - git, vocals / Joey Pirker - keys / Antoine Barrault - bass / Philipp Reiter - drums
19/Oct/23: Are you feeling a little bit of depression around? Yeah, you're right - November Depression is coming up on November 23rd in Graz at the bar28! We hope to see you there!
Ein kurzer, netter Zwischenstopp bei @Schallter Audio & Records auf dem Weg zu wHITE pLASTIC tAPE & Coinflip Cutie @ Cafe Carina Wien :-)
8/Apr/22: Great news for the upcoming April Depression! We are very happy to announce the new date: April 27th at 7:30pm! Ready do get depressed? 16/Nov/21: Bad news for the upcoming November Depression! We are very sorry to announce the cancellation of this weeks show due to the Corona-situation. Please stay safe and healthy! 23/Oct/19: Upcoming November Depression! We play two shows this year, if you're not too scared, come out and join the depression in Graz and/or Wolfsberg 7th/8th of November! Besides that, we're busy working on new songs (and dance moves)! 18/Jul/19: Upcoming show Sunday, 21st at "Tierschutz Rockt" in Wildon/Austria with a huge variety of other bands at the festival! That's it for this summer, fall starts at Grabern on Sept 14th. More news and tourdates to come! 7/Mar/19: Upcoming show on March 13th at Postgarage Graz with Glue Crew from Salzburg! New fantastic drummer, welcome Simeon onboard of Coinflipcutie-Air! New video clip! Enjoy "Sing our song" in our video-section! More news and tourdates to come! Nov/18:Upcoming depression! 03/Aug/18:Upcoming shows! Alpha Casino Sommerfest, Graz, Club Wakuum, Graz, Musikfest Grabern, Hollabrunn, and The Early Bird, Innsbruck! Yeah! 07/May/18:Upcoming shows! Lendwirbel, Graz, Strandbar Hermann, Vienna, and Seebühne ORF Steiermark, Graz! 02/Mar/18:"Second Chance" now available by mailorder or at our live shows (nest one in Vienna on April 8th) and also ready for download at Bandcamp Of course you can also find it at your itunes/amazon/spotify-store...

19/Feb/18:Great news! The new album "Second Chance" is ready to conquer the world, we will present it live on March 1st in our hometown Graz. and there's also another single out, it's called "Promises" and we think it's awesome... ;-) 05/Dec/17:New single out now, try to request "Reasons" at your local radio station! And/or watch it here on our site and youtube if you like! 14/Nov/17:NEW VIDEO -- CHECK OUT THE NEW VIDEO! 21/Oct/17:Already feeling depressed? Well it might be a little early, but you're right - November Depression is not too far away any more. It's gonna be on November 9th in Graz, and we're very much looking forward to it! 18/Aug/17:Breaking News! Our singer Tom was chosen to perform live on stage together with Joey Cape of Lagwagon on his One Week Records European Tour at the Ljubljana-show on Sept 22nd! Great honour! 02/Aug/17:360°-video out! Hall of Fail was shot during an exclusive private rehearsal room show. Turyn around, shake it, move your sight, wherever you want, it's interactive! Some browsers even allow you to zoom in! Find the clip down in our video-section or on youtube/favebook, etc. 17/Apr/17: After pretty busy times and also bad news concerning our drummer Matty leaving the band, we had to find someone new to play the drums. And now, after weeks of searchin' we're happy to introduce Andy... He had a very exciting start with the band, on his second day we were already shooting for our upcoming video-clip, so stay tuned and watch out for new stuff from Coinflip Cutie! 12/Feb/17: The new year has begun and we're quite busy focusing on recording and finishing the upcoming album, there's just a couple of studio days left and then we'll be working on mixing and artwork :-) At the same time we're planning to play numerous shows all across Austria and maybe even abroad to promote the album! 10/Nov/16: So, finally, it's November again, meaning that depression can't be far away! Are you in? Nov, 26th Graz and, for the very first time, we gonna tour with this unique show: on Dec. 8th we will make Wolfsberg sad as well ;-) 29/Sep/16: We were planning to release the new album late this year, but some additional creative works may delay the release until early 2017! Please keep beeing patient, we're working very hard on that to make it a good one! 18/Feb/16: This is our new homepage, you all are very welcome! 02/Feb/16: Three new songs are waiting for you! 31/Dec/15: Good news everyone! Next concert /w BadXperience 04/Mar @ Explosiv Graz
7/Nov/24 BAR 28, November Depression, Graz, Austria 7:30pm
11/Jan/25 Cafe Carina, /w whiTe plaStic taPe, Vienna, Austria 8pm
Enjoy some pictures of us in action:
pumpkin records

Seit 25 Jahren bringen die Musiker rund um Tom Reiterer diesen einzigartigen Abend unter das begeisterte Publikum, das in eine Märchenwelt eintaucht, um sich emotional und musikalisch auf spannende Geschichten und überraschende Wendungen einzulassen.
Mit originalen Märchen, frei erzählt und stimmungsvollen Bildern geben die Künstler Einblick in die teilweise dunklen und düsteren Welten von verwunschenen Prinzessinnen, verzauberten Teufeln, hungrigen Hexen und einsamen Königen. Eine gesunde Portion Humor und Spontaneität ist garantiert. Das Motto des Abends, nämlich alle deprimiert und traurig nach Hause zu schicken, ist 25 Jahre lang gehörig in die Hose gegangen!
Musikalisch lassen sich die Musiker von der romantischen Umgebung des Gewölbekellers der Bar28 inspirieren und bringen die Songs in feiner, dynamischer und zerbrechlicher Form auf die Bühne. Oft sind auch ausgewählte Raritäten aus dem reichhaltigen Fundus des Sängers dabei, als das Projekt noch Lamexcuse hieß. Auch das eine oder andere selten gespielte Cover mischt sich ins Programm und überrascht das Publikum. Mit besonderem Erstaunen erlebt man ab und zu auch den Auftritt eines manchen Gastmusikers aus der Grazer Szene...